Friday, August 5, 2011

USA trip was an eye opener from many prospective...Sushant

The thinking hat session at Stanford University with Tina Seeling, was very creative and allowed me to analyze my decision making process more closely.  This activity taught me that everyone have their own ways of seeing things. And many times people get their frame so close to their face that they cant see others ideas/prospective without being biased or prejudiced.
The session with Dr Richar Dasher gave more insight about how the ventures go through different stages and the entrepreneur should keep their mind open to new creative ideas and not get stuck with old ones and thus stopping their creativity.   
During the week at Stanford we had a chance to tour the School of Design. It was great to see how ideas can be generated and feedbacks and discussion can be positive and constructive.  The building itself was creative and one can change the room layout as they wanted so that they can stimulate their brain every day without getting stuck with old ideas and layouts.
The founder of DripTech showed us how even small innovative ideas can create value and you can start small and grow big as you build on the idea and keep re-inventing yourself.
Session with Randy was another eye opener. It just lifted our way of thinking from just being a mediocre to as being a part of the process and entrepreneur world. It was an assurance that even big company have started from a small idea and with first step.
 The session with Bryan Weller to learn how people’s brain function and to make use of this knowledge to train our brain was really a great one. His teaching to draw mind map is so helpful and enhances the reading and understanding skill.
 Green-MBA was all about sustainability. We are a part of the world we live in and so is the business we do. So our cost and profits should take all the factors in account, including the natural and environmental factors. During the session, many guest speakers came and talk about their perception about sustainability and how they do business. There were speakers from the permaculter primer, golden nectar farm, Sanoma Village, Potter’s creek.
Bay model was very educational as well. It shows how if we think simple and extend the idea, it works. Some adjustments are needed based on the other factors impacting it environment.
The business competition at ‘Dominican University’ was another learning experience. The business ideas were so similar to ours and so promising.
The USA trip was over all a great experience which broadened our mindset and the way we think. It also gave assurance that we are on the right track and we just need to think big and take one step at a time towards our goal.

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